Tag Archives: Australian birds

It is is always an honor to be re-invited to teach at the annual Albany Summer School.

This year I returned for a third time to celebrate the 63rd anniversary of one of Australia’s longest running Summer School Events.

Once again my class was fully booked with a team of 12 talented and enthusiastic students – all at different levels of oil painting experience. Together we mastered the art of painting in oils and enjoyed a fun week of creative learning with lots of laughs and amazing results.

Thank you to my fabulous team of artistic students, some of whom have joined me each year and become friends during their artistic journeys.

Once again I was overwhelmed by everyone’s enthusiasm and very proud of your spectacular results.

Huge congratulations to each of you.

“Marty” – Carnaby Cockatoo painted in oils was Sold and shipped to his new home in Italy on 26th September 2021. “Marty’s” new owner was so thrilled with her acquisition, telling me how excited she was to be receiving a painting that would brighten the dark time of living through Covid in Europe.

Both Marty’s new owner and I kept a close eye on his movements across the oceans to his new home. Touching base with one another when we both received confirmation he had arrived in Italy approximately 2 weeks after his departure from the shores of Australian. That was 14th October 2021.

With much anticipation we continued to track the whereabouts of “Marty”. Milan – December 4th 2021 is the last Tracking record of his location.

There has been no news since then.

Sadly all endevours to locate “Marty” have failed. We can only hope with fingers and toes crossed he will arrive at his new owners destination or be returned to his artistic creator.

Where are you “Marty”?